Ben Clayton
Benjamin Clayton


Benjamin joins chambers upon successful completion of a 3rd six pupillage, having been supervised by Colin Baran. Prior to joining chambers, Benjamin was called to the Bar in 2009 and cross-qualified as a Solicitor Advocate, working for a national advocacy firm.

As a result of attending in excess of 5000 hearings, he has a strong grounding in civil litigation and has developed into a robust advocate.

He has a further specialism in respect of legal research, having previously been employed by LexisNexis, to train other legal professionals.

Benjamin prides himself on his approachable, client-focused style and meticulous preparation.

Outside of chambers, Benjamin enjoys travel, literature, cooking, running and spending time with his family.

Personal Injury

Benjamin has represented both Claimants and Defendants in small claims, fast-track trials, interim applications as well as costs and case management hearings.  He has further represented Claimants in Criminal Injuries Compensation Appeals.

Benjamin regularly provides advice and representation across a wide variety of personal injury matters including:

Road traffic accidents

Benjamin has extensive experience in respect of liability disputes on the small claims and fast track, dealing with issues of causation, quantum and costs. Having dealt with claims both within and outside of the portal, he has a good working knowledge of the relevant procedure and appropriate costs regimes.

Credit Hire

Benjamin has a vast amount of experience dealing with claims involving credit hire and is consequently well versed in this dynamic and complex area of law.  He has represented both claimants and defendants at both disposal hearings and trials.  He takes a pragmatic and commercially sensitive approach to ensure that a good outcome is achieved.

Travel litigation

Benjamin has advised and represented both Claimants and holiday companies in respect of flight delay claims, claims under the Package Travel Regulations, misrepresentation and breach of contract claims, holiday sickness claims (including allegations of fundamental dishonesty).

He is further developing a strong practice in respect of:

  • Tripping claims;
  • Claims under the Highways Act 1980;
  • Occupiers liability claims;
  • Employers’ liability claims;
  • Fatal accident claims;
  • Claims involving psychiatric injury;
  • Medical negligence.

Benjamin is able to provide written advice and pleadings as required.  He is prepared to accept instructions on a CFA where appropriate.


Bar Vocational Course – Very Competent
Law & Psychology BSc (QLD) – 2:1

Appointments and Memberships

The Honourable Society of Middle Temple

Personal Injury Bar Association