Kinga specialises in international criminal law, public international law and international humanitarian law. She has nine years of experience in the field of international criminal justice in The Hague. Kinga is currently working for the Legal Representative of Victims of the Special Tribunal for Lebanon (The Hague), under the supervision of Peter Haynes QC.
Kinga regularly lectures and speaks on various topics of international criminal law, public international law, and international humanitarian law. She also holds a post-graduate degree in European Union law.
Kinga is also a member of the New York State Bar.
Innovative, resourceful and well-organized, Kinga thrives on new challenges and busy schedules.
‘Victim Participation in International Criminal Justice: Practitioner’s Handbook’, editor, Springer (forthcoming, 2016)
‘The ’Unwilling or Unable’ Test and the Law of Self-Defence’, in C. Paulussen et al. (ed), Protecting fundamental rights in the international arena: public, private and European law perspectives, TMC Asser Press/Springer (forthcoming, 2015)
‘The Right of Self-Defence in the US White Paper on Targeted Killings’, Journal of Conflict and Security Law, July 2015,
‘Remarks on Henderson & Cavanagh Guest Post on Unit Self-Defence – Perspectives from the Courtroom’, Opinio Juris, 11 July 2014,
‘The al-Shabaab Mall Attack and the Right of Self-Defence’, IntLawGrrls, 4 October 2013,
‘Anticipatory Action in Self-Defence: Essence and Limits under International Law’, TMC Asser Press/Springer, 2011
‘The Application of EU Law in Romania’, in: Lazowski, A., ed., The Application of EU Law in the New Member States. TMC Asser Press, 2010
‘Kosovo: Albanian Independence and Serbian Convicts’, Korunk (‘Our Age’ – Hungarian social science review in Romania), Vol. III, No. 5, May 2009 (Hungarian)
‘The Internal Aspect of Self-Determination: Individual Freedom or Right to Autonomy?’, Romániai Magyar Jogtudományi Közlöny(Hungarian Law Journal in Romania), Vol. 3, No. 5, 2005 (Hungarian)