St. Philips
Susan Todd


Susan graduated in law from Emmanuel College, Cambridge in 1988.   She worked in diverse fields such as international banking and human rights charity work before she returned to university to obtain an MA in Social and Political Thought from Sussex Unviersity in 1990.  Susan was called to the Bar in 1991 after deciding that she would work in law because it offers the opportunity to assist individuals across the whole spectrum of society.   She prides herself on providing a specialised and committed service to every client, in a non-judgmental fashion.   Susan worked in the voluntary sector as a primary school governor and as a trustee and director of a mental health charity from 2013 to 2017.  She has five children and a busy family life.

Susan lectured on family law, opinion writing and drafting, conference and negotiation skills and professional ethics on the Bar Practice Training Course run by BPP in Birmingham, from 2015 to 2016.

Public Law Care and Adoption

Susan does a large variety of care, adoption and special guardianship work for local authorities, parents, other relatives and for children’s guardians.   She works in the Family Proceedings Court, the County Court and the High Court.  She has a great deal of experience in dealing with clients who misuse substances, suffer from mental illness and personality disorder, and in cases involving non-accidental injury, factitious disorder, intra-familial killings, female genital mutilation, ritualistic abuse, and inter country adoptions.

Private Law Children and Domestic Abuse

Susan has extensive experience of private law cases.   She has represented clients in intractable contact cases, change of name, change of school, removal from the jurisdiction (Hague Convention and non Hague Convention), private law special guardianship, and forced marriage cases and in cases involving children with special needs such as autism.   Susan represents children in Rule 16.4 cases where they have their own Guardian.  Susan has conducted cases under the Revised Private Law Programme.


BA Law (Cantab) 1988
MA Social And Political Thought (Sussex) 1990

Appointments and Memberships

Association of Lawyers for Children

Family Law Bar Association

British Association for Adoption and Fostering

Susan Todd

Call 1991
Susan Todd
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